Fitness :are fitnessTrackers HSA Eligible?

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Are Fitness Trackers HSA Eligible?

Are fitness trackers HSA eligible? The answer is not a simple yes or no. According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered eligible expenses for an HSA. However, there is a potential loophole. If you can get a Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor or medical professional, you may be able to make a case for your fitness tracker being an HSA eligible purchase.

It’s important to note that expenses related to general health are typically not considered HSA eligible. So, using your HSA funds to purchase a fitness tracker solely for the purpose of improving your overall health and fitness may not be allowed.

To get a clearer understanding of what purchases are deemed HSA eligible, it’s advisable to visit the IRS website. They provide detailed information on the criteria and guidelines for eligible HSA expenses. So, before you decide to use your HSA funds on a fitness tracker, make sure you do your research and consult with a medical professional if necessary.

Key Takeaways

  • Fitness trackers are typically not eligible for HSA expenses, as per the IRS guidelines.
  • A Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor or medical professional may make a fitness tracker eligible for HSA purchase.
  • Expenses related to general health are not considered eligible for HSA.
  • For more details on HSA eligible purchases, refer to the IRS website.


Welcome to this article on HSA eligible expenses and the eligibility of fitness trackers. In this section, we will discuss what HSA eligible expenses are and the importance of fitness trackers.

What are HSA Eligible Expenses?

HSA, or Health Savings Account, is a tax-advantaged savings account that allows individuals to save money for medical expenses. However, not all expenses are considered eligible for HSA funds. According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered HSA eligible expenses. This means that you cannot use your HSA funds to purchase a fitness tracker.

However, there is a potential exception. If a Letter of Medical Necessity is written by a doctor or medical professional, the fitness tracker may be considered an HSA eligible purchase. This means that if your doctor determines that a fitness tracker is medically necessary for your health condition, you may be able to use your HSA funds to cover the cost. It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider and understand the specific requirements for a Letter of Medical Necessity.

Importance of Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to monitor and track various health metrics. These devices can track your steps, heart rate, sleep patterns, and even provide insights into your overall well-being. By wearing a fitness tracker, you can gain valuable information about your physical activity and make informed decisions about your health.

While fitness trackers may not be considered HSA eligible expenses in general, they can still play a significant role in your health and wellness journey. By using a fitness tracker, you can set goals, track your progress, and make positive changes to your lifestyle. It’s important to note that expenses related to general health, such as gym memberships or fitness classes, are generally not considered HSA eligible.

For more information about HSA eligible purchases, you can visit the IRS website. Stay tuned for the rest of the article to learn more about managing your HSA funds and making smart healthcare decisions.

Understanding HSA Eligibility

One common question that arises when it comes to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) is whether fitness trackers are eligible for HSA funds. The answer is not straightforward, but let’s dive into the details to gain a better understanding.

IRS Guidelines

According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered eligible expenses for HSAs. This means that you cannot use HSA funds to purchase a fitness tracker as a general health expense. However, there is a potential loophole that could make fitness trackers eligible under certain circumstances.

General Health vs. Medical Necessity

Expenses related to general health, such as fitness trackers, are not considered HSA eligible. However, if you have a medical condition that requires monitoring or tracking, a fitness tracker may be considered an eligible purchase. In this case, a Letter of Medical Necessity written by a doctor or medical professional is crucial. This letter explains why the fitness tracker is necessary for your specific medical condition.

To determine if your fitness tracker is eligible for HSA reimbursement, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider and review the IRS guidelines. Additionally, the IRS website provides more information on HSA eligible purchases, which can be a valuable resource.

For more information on the eligibility of fitness trackers for HSAs, you can refer to this source.

Fitness Trackers and HSA Eligibility

Are fitness trackers HSA eligible? It’s a common question among individuals looking to use their Health Savings Account (HSA) funds for this popular health and wellness device. The answer is not a straightforward yes or no. Let’s dive into the details.

Typical Exclusions

According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered HSA eligible expenses. Expenses related to general health, such as gym memberships or over-the-counter vitamins, fall into this category. The primary purpose of an HSA is to cover medical expenses, and fitness trackers, while beneficial for monitoring physical activity, do not meet the criteria.

Exceptions with a Letter of Medical Necessity

However, there is a glimmer of hope for those who believe a fitness tracker is medically necessary for their specific condition. If a doctor or medical professional writes a Letter of Medical Necessity, stating that the fitness tracker is essential for monitoring and managing a specific health condition, it may be considered an HSA eligible purchase. This letter provides the supporting documentation needed to justify the expense and potentially make it eligible for reimbursement from your HSA.

To learn more about HSA eligible purchases and the specific guidelines set by the IRS, you can visit the IRS website.

In summary, while fitness trackers are typically not HSA eligible expenses, there are exceptions with a Letter of Medical Necessity. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional and review the IRS guidelines to determine if your specific situation qualifies for HSA reimbursement.

Writing a Letter of Medical Necessity


Are fitness trackers HSA eligible? According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered eligible expenses for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). However, there is a way to potentially make them eligible. By obtaining a Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor or medical professional, you may be able to justify the purchase of a fitness tracker as a medical expense.

It’s important to note that expenses related to general health, such as gym memberships or exercise equipment, are not typically considered HSA eligible. However, if a medical professional determines that a fitness tracker is necessary for managing a specific medical condition or monitoring a treatment plan, it may meet the requirements for HSA eligibility.

Medical Professional’s Role

To make a fitness tracker HSA eligible, you’ll need the assistance of a medical professional. They will need to provide a detailed explanation of how the fitness tracker is medically necessary for your specific condition. This can include information on how the tracker will help monitor vital signs, track progress, or manage symptoms.

The Letter of Medical Necessity should be written on the medical professional’s letterhead and include their contact information. It should clearly state the medical condition being treated, the purpose of the fitness tracker in managing the condition, and any supporting documentation or medical research that backs up the necessity of the device.

By working with a medical professional and obtaining a thorough Letter of Medical Necessity, you can potentially make a fitness tracker eligible for HSA reimbursement. Remember to consult the IRS guidelines and speak with a qualified tax advisor to ensure compliance with HSA rules and regulations.

For more information about HSA eligible purchases, you can visit the IRS website.

Importance of Tracking Health and Fitness

Maintaining good health and fitness is essential for leading a fulfilling life. With the advancement of technology, fitness trackers have gained popularity as valuable tools for tracking and monitoring our health and fitness goals. These devices are designed to provide valuable insights into our daily activities, such as step count, heart rate, calories burned, and sleep patterns. But are fitness trackers HSA eligible?

Benefits of Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers offer numerous benefits that can contribute to our overall well-being. They provide real-time data about our physical activity levels, helping us stay motivated and make informed decisions about our health. By tracking our steps and setting goals, we can easily monitor our progress and strive for continuous improvement. Additionally, fitness trackers can help us identify patterns and trends in our habits, enabling us to make positive lifestyle changes.

Motivation and Accountability

One of the key advantages of fitness trackers is the motivation and accountability they provide. These devices act as personal coaches, reminding us to stay active and encouraging us to reach our fitness goals. With features like activity reminders and goal tracking, fitness trackers keep us accountable for our daily exercise routines. They can also sync with smartphone apps, allowing us to share our progress with friends and family, creating a sense of healthy competition and support.

According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered HSA eligible expenses. However, exceptions can be made if a Letter of Medical Necessity is provided by a doctor or medical professional. It is important to note that expenses related to general health are not considered HSA eligible. For more information on HSA eligible purchases, refer to the IRS website.

In conclusion, while fitness trackers offer numerous benefits for tracking health and fitness, their eligibility for HSA reimbursement may require additional documentation. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or refer to official guidelines to determine HSA eligibility for specific expenses.

Finding HSA Eligible Alternatives

Acceptable HSA Expenses

When it comes to using your HSA funds, it’s important to know which expenses are considered eligible. According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered HSA eligible expenses. However, there is a potential loophole. If you have a Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor or medical professional, you may be able to make a case for your fitness tracker being an HSA eligible purchase1.

It’s worth noting that expenses related to general health, such as gym memberships or exercise equipment, are not considered HSA eligible. The purpose of an HSA is to cover medical expenses, not general wellness expenses1. So, while a fitness tracker may help you track your health and fitness goals, it may not qualify as an eligible purchase unless you have a medical need for it.

To learn more about what expenses are considered HSA eligible, I recommend visiting the IRS website1.

Health and Wellness Programs

If you’re looking for HSA eligible alternatives to fitness trackers, consider exploring health and wellness programs. These programs often offer a variety of services and resources to support your overall well-being. From stress management and nutrition counseling to smoking cessation and weight loss programs, there are many options available that may be eligible for HSA reimbursement.

By participating in these programs, you not only invest in your health but also make the most of your HSA funds. Remember to check with your HSA provider or consult the IRS guidelines to ensure the programs you choose are eligible for reimbursement.

In conclusion, while fitness trackers may not be considered HSA eligible expenses by default, there are potential options to explore. Remember to consult with a medical professional and familiarize yourself with the IRS guidelines to make informed decisions about how to use your HSA funds effectively.

Visit Financial Gym for more information on HSA eligible purchases.



In conclusion, fitness trackers are generally not considered eligible expenses for Health Savings Accounts (HSA) according to the IRS. However, there is a possibility for a fitness tracker to be considered an HSA eligible purchase if a Letter of Medical Necessity is provided by a doctor or medical professional. It is important to note that expenses related to general health are not considered HSA eligible. To determine if a specific expense is eligible, it is recommended to consult the IRS website or speak with a tax professional.

Useful Resources

For more information about HSA eligible purchases and guidelines, the IRS website is a valuable resource to consult. They provide detailed information and updates on eligible expenses and requirements. Additionally, the Alliance for Health Savings provides helpful insights and resources regarding HSA eligibility and benefits. Their article on the eligibility of fitness trackers for HSAs can be found here.

Remember, it is crucial to stay informed and make informed decisions when it comes to utilizing HSA funds for various expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are fitness trackers considered HSA eligible expenses?

According to the IRS, fitness trackers are generally not considered HSA eligible expenses.

Can a fitness tracker be considered an HSA eligible purchase?

Yes, if a Letter of Medical Necessity is written by a doctor or medical professional, the fitness tracker may be considered an HSA eligible purchase.

Are expenses related to general health considered HSA eligible?

No, expenses related to general health are not considered HSA eligible.

Where can I find more information about HSA eligible purchases?

You can find more information about HSA eligible purchases on the IRS website.


  1. Financial Gym. (2020, October 31). 7 Purchases You May Not Know You Can Make With Your HSA Fund. Retrieved from 2 3

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